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Do I need to pay GST?Updated 2 years ago

For AU sellers, GST may be payable for the sales you make on PUSHAS. If you are not sure if this applies to you, please contact the Australian Tax Office and/or seek professional advice about your tax obligations.

For listings on PUSHAS.com, prices include GST. You may not add GST to the final value of an item once it has been won or bought.

You are responsible for paying that GST in accordance with the appropriate laws and regulations.

Do I need to register for GST and an ABN?

Please refer to the ATO's website for GST registration guidelines. To be registered for GST, you must register for an ABN and file quarterly Business Activity Statements (BAS).

It is important to note that PUSHAS is not able to provide tax advice.

The seller fee (inclusive of GST) is charged by PUSHAS to you.

To understand more, you can contact your accountant for more information.

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