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What are PUSHAS' fees for sellers?Updated a year ago

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Seller Fees

United States
Super Seller
Power Seller
Super Seller
Power Seller
Base marketplace fee per sale 
(Includes all payment processing fees)
14% + A$15
item fee
17% + A$15
item fee
13% + A$45*
item fee
16% + A$45*
item fee
Membership fee
A$150 / month
A$150 / month
Minimum pairs listed
4+ / month
4+ / month
4+ / month
4+ / month
(Stock stored at warehouse)
(Send stock after sale)
Yes by invite
Yes by invite
(Both onsite and offsite)
Yes by invite
Yes by invite
Yes by invite
Weekly sales insights
Priority bulk listing
Error fees allowed
(Offsite only)
No maximum
Maximum 3 / qtr
No maximum
Maximum 3 / qtr

*US Item Fee
For stock coming from the US and entering AU/NZ, additional shipping costs, custom fees and duties may apply. In order to cover these costs, PUSHAS includes this additional fee of A$35 in the seller per sale fee. 

Other benefits for all PUSHAS Sellers

  • Rent-free storage of your sneakers
  • Complimentary insurance coverage on sneakers stored at our warehouse
  • No cash-out fees
  • No withdrawal fees
  • Dedicated account manager with unlimited email and phone support
  • PUSHAS monthly analytics to know which sneakers sell the best

What is a Power Seller?

A Power Seller is our free tier for sellers that send in 4 or more pairs per month. 

What is a Super Seller Membership?

The membership is to reward sellers with high volumes with the ability to price their sneakers lower - allowing you to keep more profits compared to Power Sellers.

What is onsite vs offsite selling?

We offer two methods of selling: 

  1. Onsite selling refers to the method where sellers first send in their stock to the warehouse for consignment. We store your stock for free until a sale is made and then we fulfill your item. Onsite gets the (fastest) label on the website and we find that customers prefer purchasing this stock and will pay higher prices for it.
  2. Offsite selling refers to the method which sellers hold their own stock remotely and only send in stock to warehouse for authentication and processing once a sale is made.

For further information on how it works, see here.

For both methods of selling, Sellers may either purchase labels from us (AU only) or use their own labels to ship their items to us.

What if I send in less than 4 pairs per month?

We are currently not accepting Casual Sellers and require a minimum average of 4-5 sneakers per month or 10 pairs readily available for listing.

For those who start off as a Power Seller and then are unable to send in an average of 4 pairs a month, you will be bumped down to a Casual Seller (20% + AU/US item fee per above).

What if I send in 3 pairs this month and 5 pairs next month, does that mean I am still a Power Seller?

Yes, you will be listed as a Power Seller. We work on an average basis, so as long as you are sending in 4 or more, on average, you will be listed as a Power Seller. 

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