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Fees & Payment

What are the fees for sellers? How and when do I get paid? What are the penalties for breaking the rules? Do I need to pay GST?

What are PUSHAS' fees for sellers?

To apply to become a seller, click here. Please click here to view our Seller Fee Policy. A Power Seller is our free tier for sellers that send in 4 or more pairs per month. We offer two methods of selling:. For further information on how it works, s

How and when do I get paid?

Payments are made via direct bank transfer or through PayPal. Sellers are to respond to the "Welcome to the PUSHAS family" email with their payment details. For AU sellers please provide the following details:. For US sellers please provide the follo

What happens when a Seller breaks the rules? What are the penalties?

In order to maintain a well functioning platform, we ask our Sellers to follow the rules noted in each Seller Agreement. Sellers that do not follow the Seller Agreements are subject to penalties.

Do I need to pay GST?

For AU sellers, GST may be payable for the sales you make on PUSHAS. If you are not sure if this applies to you, please contact the Australian Tax Office and/or seek professional advice about your tax obligations. For listings on PUSHAS.com, prices i